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Would you like to join us?

Tyring a wheel
Tyring a small cartwheel
Andy and Bob
Rams-head poker being made
Alan, Ian and Brian - Small Steam Engines
Volunteers in small engines area

Do you like to learn new skills and have the chance to use those you already have?

Would you like the satisfaction of helping to conserve our fascinating Victorian industrial workplace and at the same time help others to learn through playing with basic technology and to explore local social history?

If so, then come along and join in.  We have an equal opportunities policy, so everyone is welcome.

Ask any of our members for a membership form, or just pop in on a Wednesday anytime or contact us by e-mail for a chat to see how we can help one another.  Training will be given.

Some of the areas we need help with are:

Administration: help behind the scenes is always needed and could even be done from home.

Catering: volunteers are needed to run our riverside tea room during our Open Days.

Learning: Mums and Dads are needed to facilitate learning through play in our tinkering area.

Marketing: we need help to promote our activities.

Shop: we need help to manage and run our retail offering.



We would love to talk about how you could become part of our exciting future.

You can join as a ‘volunteer’ for a few months and see how you like us before deciding on whether to become a ‘member’ or merely support us financially as a ‘friend’.



Want to know more about volunteering? Download our leaflet >  Expression of Interest Form     

PLEASE NOTE: Those wishing to volunteer at Combe Mill should first complete and submit an Expression of interest Form.  After you have been coming to the Mill regularly for a few months we will have got to know one-another and we will probably invite you to become a member.

Wish to become a contributing member? Download our membership form> Combe Mill Society Application Form+Gift Aid Form

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