Combe Mill … a place to discover
A Grade II* Listed Building, Combe Mill is the original sawmill and workshop of the Blenheim Palace Estate. This working industrial museum offers visitors a good insight into what work was like in Victorian times on a rural estate.
The Mill is operated as a working hands-on museum by the Combe Mill Society which is run entirely by unpaid volunteers.
Our income is derived from the sale of admission tickets, refreshments and souvenirs together with the occasional grant for various improvement projects.
If you are keen to support the Combe Mill Society in keeping the Mill going and delivering interesting activities for the community, we would really appreciate your support.
If you feel able to give of your time then go to the section on volunteering.
A donation of money is an easy way to support us and you can increase its value by giving it using Gift Aid. Please make your cheque payable to Combe Mill Society.
If you cannot afford to support us during your lifetime then you can still do so by leaving us something in your will. An endowment fund would enable use to build up a reliable income stream and to ride out the ups and downs of the expenditure required to maintain and operate the Mill.
We are grateful for your support in whatever form you can manage.
Combe Mill Society is a registered charity (#1111029) and a business limited by guarantee (Company Registration # 03784507).